
Hi! My name is [REDACTED]! I'm a graphic designer who likes to, well, make stuff! I hope you enjoy these fresh little art tips from me!

Tip 1: Style

Every designer has a signature way of art, and you can find yours too! There are three main categories of graphic design. Abstract, Cartoon, or Realism. You can pick a category and alter it to make your own style of art!

Tip 2: Making it Look Presentable

I think this is just a given. Making an art peice look good can be really hard depending on your style. Cartoonism is pretty easy as it's just... well, cartoons! Realism you need a little more detail with. For abstract, you may need some gusto to pull it off. Abstractism can be realy hard to acheive, and here is an example of abstract vector art!

Tip 3: Final Touches

I think you know what I mean by this. Final touches are things that add a little to your piece! Don't overdo it though, because if there are too many things in the canvas, it will look cluttered and bad and it'll smell like

stinky poo poo

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